Monday, January 10, 2011


I am the lollipops,
always stick in kids’ hands.
They can never live without me.
I am the lollipop,
watching a lovely couple kissing,
feel the love all around them.
I am the lollipop luckily picked by a little boy
who spends a quarter for me.
I  am the lollipop thrown by a little girl,
because there are so many of me in the Halloween basket.

I am a strawberry lollipop,
always very popular in the world.
I am a mango lollipop,
I feel sorry because
you can merely taste an artificial flavor from  me.
I am a caramel lollipop,
thawing in your mouth.
I am the chocolate lollipop,
I am the biggest love of all kids.
I am an ice-cream lollipop,
imagine me in your mind,
I am sure that you have never seen me before.

Though I am just a small lollipop,
everybody wants me in the creative writing class.
Yes! I am just a lollipop,
I know you want me
when you get gloomy from being alone.
I love being a lollipop,
I am making people feel happy and lovely in this world.

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